#255 Michael Hardt: "The crises demand that we think big, think in terms of liberation"


The 1970s was a decade of "subversives", activists and movements sought to transform the fundamental structures of society. In "The Subversive Seventies" Michael Hardt sheds light not only on the revolutionary movements of the seventies but also on what liberation can be today. Michael joins Dissens to talk about the 70s as a history of our present and how the liberation movements of that time can speak to us today.


Alle Infos zum Dissens Podcast auf www.dissenspodcast.de

Mach Dissens möglich! Werde jetzt Fördermitglied auf Steady und unterstütze damit die Arbeit von Dissens-Host Lukas sowie Inken und Valentin von der "Was Tun?"-Crew.


Michael Hardt teaches political theory in the Literature Program at Duke University. He is co-author, with Antonio Negri, of the Empire trilogy and, most recently, Assembly.


Dissens verlost ein Exemplar von Michael Hardts "The Subversive Seventies" unter allen Fördermitgliedern und denen, die es bis zur nächsten Folge werden.



DOS-88 – City Lights: https://youtu.be/egKdVELkKVI


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